It's been a total labour of love but our house is almost complete. Here are a few before and afters. This is the kitchen.
It used to look like this.

Hello and welcome! I'm Tracey Strange, beauty editor, interiors stylist and lover of beautiful things. I work for NZ House & Garden, NZ Life & Leisure and Your Weekend and I’m always on the hunt for inspiration, especially now because I am in the middle of a major renovation. This is my place to share with you all the things I love.
The work on Strange & Beautiful is copyright. Apart from use permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process, nor may any other exclusive right be exercised without the permission of Tracey Strange, 2012.
It's been a total labour of love but our house is almost complete. Here are a few before and afters. This is the kitchen.
Strange & Beautiful claims no credit for the images or magazine content featured on the blog and operates on the understanding that if we receive any complaints about the use of content or images they will be removed. To request the removal of content or images please email
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